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The “first step” towards breaching
Fotis Spyropoulos
The art of crime, Vol. 2.
Violence, forms, gender, breaching
Web Article
Policy Makers, Teachers, Researchers, School Directors, school staff (other than teachers.
1 - 20 pages
Bullying and basic terms connected with it are investigated at the current article. The prerequisite of strength differentiation, between the victim and the bully in order to have Bullying incidents, is highlighted. The forms bullying may take are mentioned and the way bullying is practiced by boys and girls is examined. Mentioning the portion of bullies, victims and bully/victims among those involved in bullying incidents is followed by an attempt to sketch out the bully’s and victim’s profile. Bullying is not only causing the dominance of fear among students in their everyday school-life, but multiplies the feeling of loneliness and the lack of friends. As a result students have a high probability of failing to adapt to the process of learning and parallel to that adopt bad habits such a smoking and drinking. This is only the beginning of the downfall. What is frightening, there is a 60% probability for high-school bullies to be sentenced at least once as adults. A short review of the bullying prevention methods focuses on the importance of non-punishing and dealing with any bullying incident right at the moment it is observed. One such method is presented in more details. It’s the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program. The goal the program sets is for bullying to be non-tolerable by anyone in the school unit. It gives an important role to the teachers and the rest of the school staff and determines their practices in the school unit and the class. It determines as well their individual behavior and stresses the necessity of parent-teacher conference days. The results of the implementation of such a program in several school units are promising. Concluding, the importance of preventing bullying, in achieving a more successful learning process in high-schools, and in reducing the ratio of criminals among adults is stressed. Those two invaluable benefits shall lead to the next steps to be taken. Those are further scientific research and the awakening of all citizens for the in-depth damage bullying causes.
A surprisingly concrete article. It provides a fresh look into the bullying issue. Dated back to 2006 and written by an undergraduate Law student, (who is currently a lawyer accomplishing his M.Sc.) it provides motivation to everyone reading it to help towards the issue of bullying prevention. It is not only how well the whole issue is presented and how well the benefits of preventing bullying are stressed out, which make one wanting to help resolve this issue. It is the addition of actual quantified results in the analysis the author makes, which set us all unquestionably responsible for the existence of this problem. That’s the realization, which shall precede to any effort taken to deal with this issue. That’s the greatest contribution of this article to all of us.
I Am Not Scared Project
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