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Spotten, Schimpfen, Schlagen… Gewalt unter Schülern - Bullying und Cyberbullying
Julia Riebel
Landau: Verlag Empirische Pädagogik 2008
Bullying, Cyberbullying
Parents, Policy Makers, Teachers, Researchers, Young People, School Directors.
21 - 100 pages
For over 20 years, school violence can be seen as a topic of great public interest. This book deals with just this issue, especially with the unique phenomenon of bullying. In (German) everyday language, this is more often known as "Mobbing". There are already a lot of books and journal articles on the subject - this book has therefore set itself the objective to first of all gather the existing evidence on bullying and then to critically reflect the contents. Furthermore, the author focuses on a new phenomenon that seems to have arisen out of the ordinary bullying: Cyberbullying. Regarding the traditional bullying, the book critically examines to what extent the recent research findings can be considered as trusted or if they are just influenced by the media, whether school violence really has increased over time and why, in spite of numerous measures and interventions, there cannot be found any significant improvement in the problem yet. Regarding cyber bullying, the author first of all describes the phenomenon in general, explains characteristics and features and then discusses critically whether cyber bullying in general can be described as a separate problem or whether it is just another category of school violence. In this context, she also compares cyber bullying to conventional bullying and is concerned more specifically with the issues on how far in cyber bullying, the same age and sex differences occur as in traditional bullying, and whether persons who are acting on the new media as perpetrators or victims are the same as those who take these roles in reality. So, in summary, the book attempts to clarify various issues relating to bullying and cyber bullying on the basis of already existing literature.
This book not only sums up the current state of research on bullying, but also explains the current issue of cyber bullying. The author analyzes the existing research on this issue and provides its own cyber bullying study.
I Am Not Scared Project
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