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Gewalt in der Schule - Bestandsaufnahme im Jahr 2006
Christian Kolle
Informationszentrum Sozialwissenschaften der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Sozialwissenschaftlicher Institute e.V., 2006
Violence in schools, Bullying, Happy Slapping
Legislative document
Parents, Policy Makers, Teachers, Young People, School Directors.
Over 100 pages
With the report “Violence in schools – an inventory in 2006” („Gewalt in der Schule – Bestandaufnahme im Jahr 2006“) the information centre social science (Informationszentrum Sozialwissenschaften) aims to contribute to the debate on school violence and to provide an overview of the causes, development factors, manifestations and specificities of school violence as well as prevention and intervention measures. The phenomenon of school violence is highlighted from different perspectives with a collection of 271 literature and research evidences.
Now follows an overview of the chapter divisions of this report: The first chapter outlines the current state of research and presents research results of the last ten years. This will be complemented by studies that address primarily the perspectives of the directly affected person groups: that means teachers and students. The second chapter includes sections that deal with the causes of school violence. The focus of this research is mainly on the motives of the perpetrators and the cause-effect chains in the social life of potentially violent students.
The third chapter deals with current forms of school violence, both on the already-known phenomenon of "bullying" and a new kind of juvenile violence, which is called "happy slapping". In the centre of the fourth chapter is the issue of school integration policy. It discusses problems of students with immigrant backgrounds who are often confronted with xenophobia and right-wing violence. The fifth chapter basically focuses on medial influences. It deals with the question whether violence shown in the media has an impact on pupils’ willingness to act violent and whether it even motivates them to violent actions. Main focus lies on the new Media which are more and more negatively associated with the spread of images glorifying violence in school yards. The sixth and last chapter gives an overview of various strategies against violence. It presents projects and initiatives on violence prevention and active combat of school violence.
This report provides a good overview of the issue of violence in school by the working up of a considerable body of literature.
I Am Not Scared Project
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