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Bullies Out
Bullies Out
Bullies Out
Young people, professionals, parents/carers, resources, on-line mentors,
Web site
Parents, Teachers, Young People, School Directors.
Not relevant
BulliesOut is a charity, established in 2006, which aims to provide help, support and information to individuals, schools, youth and community settings affected by bullying.
The site offers bullying definitions, resources, and useful links as well as a series of core programmes, which have been designed in direct response to the needs expressed by schools, stakeholders, children, young people, parents and carers. Feedback relating to each of these has been extremely positive.
A description of each program can be found in the 'How We Can Help' section. As you would expect with a Charity, there are also opportunities for fundraising and donations
The recommendation for this site came from an article in 'SecEd; issue 271, January 20th 2011 and we were a little disappointed with the site's content. Although there are some useful resources, such as posters, brochures and various downloads, including an information booklet for parents (which in itself is quite good - see PDF attached), overall we were looking for a little more in depth anti-bullying information.
That said, the charity's Peer Mentor Training, delivered over a full day, involving role play, team activities and workshops, comes highly recommended and recently won the Supporting Life's Journey's Mentoring and Befriending Recognition Award for the best mentoring project in Wales. There is also what appears to be a very useful link from the home page to their 'Online Mentors' where young people, parents and professionals can chat to a mentor, visit forums (open between 5.00pm and 8.00pm daily), or even become a mentor.
Wilsthorpe Community School
I Am Not Scared Project
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