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Correlation of deliberate self-harm and stressful life events in adolescence in Lithuania
Agnė Laskytė, Nida Žemaitienė, Raimundas Vaitkevičius
A journal „Visuomenės sveikata” Nr. 4(43)
adolescents, deliberate self-harm, stressful life events, binary logistic regression analysis
Newspaper / Magazine article
Parents, Policy Makers, Teachers, General public.
The aim of the research is to establish correlation of deliberate self–harm and stressful life events in adolescence in Lithuania. The method of data gathering – anonymous survey during which the questionnaire of Lifestyle and Coping is used. The main method used to analyze relations of deliberate self–harming and stressful life events – binary logistic regression analysis.
The reason most often mentioned by adolescents – difficulties related to studies. It was named by almost two thirds (63 %) of adolescents. Family members attempt to commit a suicide increases probability of deliberate self-harm derived among girls by 2.99, problems with police – 2.38, friends attempt to commit suicide – 2.21, variances, disagreements or fights with parents – 2.14, difficulties in relations with a boyfriend – 1.96, bullying at school – 1.72 and variances, disagreements or fights with friends – 1.68. Experienced concerns about sexual orientation increases probability of deliberate self-harm derived among boys by 10.47, sexual abuse – 8.92, suicidal attempts of family members – 8.36 and difficulties while studying – 3.28.
The experience of stressful life events increases the possibility of deliberate self–harm among adolescents. The probability of deliberate self-harm among girls is mostly related to suicide attempts of family members or friends, problems with police, variances, disagreements or fights with parents or friends, difficulties in relations with a boyfriend, and bullying at school. Such probability of deliberate self-harm among boys is mostly related to concerns about sexual orientation, sexual abuse, suicidal attempts of family members and difficulties while studying. In the programs of schoolchildren' suicide prevention it is essential to take into account the differences of risk factors of suicidal behaviour that is typical for genders.
This document contains information about Lithuanian students aged from 15 to 17 years deliberate self harming and stressful life experiences connection, as well as the percentage of bullying influence in the overall stress factors causing deliberate self-self harming behaviour.
22 Correlation of deliberate self-harm and stressful life events in adolescence in Lithuania.pdf
Kaunas University of Technology
I Am Not Scared Project
Copyright 2024 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
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