"I Am Not Scared" Project
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„The dangers of violence in school and methods for its prevention”
Developed by: Marina Marinova, Reviewer: doc. Todorova
Southwestern University “Neophit Rilski”, Faculty of pedagogic
Violence, family, school, prevention
Parents, Teachers, Young People, School Directors.
1 - 20 pages
The reviewed document, which is a report on a topic dealing with violence in schools, contains the following sections: Nature of violence; Spreading of violence in schools; Where are the roots and the reasons behind child aggression (violence)?; Factors, which stimulate the individual to implement acts of violence; Who should take care of correcting psychological reasons for violent actions?; What happens today?; How can problems with violence in school be resolved?; Role of the school for recognizing and preventing violence; Ways of violence prevention; The example of developed countries for splitting the vicious circle of violence in school; What should be undertaken in Bulgaria in order for the problem to be tackled?; Used literature and further references.
The reviewed material is very well presented and substantiated. The view point of the author is adequately presented and it is not hard for the reader to agree with her. According to the author violence between children and towards children is very worrying – violence on the street and violence in school. The school is one of the most frequent settings of violent acts between children – it holds the second place, right after the family, where violence comes from the parents, relatives and friends. Violence on the street and in public places comes third. Among the many provocative factors has been pointed out the fact that in Bulgaria today the youths have serious hardships and worries and fail to see their future and personal fulfillment opportunities. This means that thought should be given not only to how to educate, or who is educating, but also to the meaning of education.
According to the author the main reasons for violence and misconduct with children are different. First of all this is the general crisis of normative values. The other reasons lie with the parents and schools – the examples, which the children get from the family, the information environment and the behavior models among which they grow up. Correcting the listed psychological reasons for the youths are a main concern of the specialists, which are engaged in the organization and conducting of preventive work. For the violence in school we seek the help of the pedagogic advisor, who must be a specialist, psychologist, a trustee.
The successful approaches in combating violence in schools in the other countries have been presented adequately. The focus of successful approaches falls on:
Differences between the schools through specific guidelines, which do not repeat mechanically the laws.
Developing joint teacher-student specialized groups for periodical monitoring of the school environment.
Introduction of the programs against conflicts and violence in schools, lead by professionals.
Opening the school towards the parents for voluntary and active inclusion and obligatory presence in individual work with the student.
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I Am Not Scared Project
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