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Aggression is a frequently observed model of behavior among the school students and even outside school. Unfortunately anyone can become a victim of aggressive behavior. How can we recognize aggression and to prevent it before it is demonstrated? What cou
model, violence, behavior, aggression, spiritual
Teachers, Young People, School Directors.
1 - 20 pages
The evaluated report is not structured in some particular strict form, but through interesting narration presents specific reasons, problems as well as pieces of advice for dealing with aggression at school. Some specifics for the Bulgarian society reasons for the appearance and demonstration of the phenomenon – the bonds between the family, the school and society are either lost or not developed yet, in order to function adequately with the new social reality and challenges. The systematic and uncontrollable violence at a macrosocial level influences seriously and erosively also the microsocial level – which presupposes the models for rude and aggressive behavior in the interpersonal relations and cultivates certain stereotypes of behavior in the minds of the young people.
As in any social institute, in the regular school various conflicts are present. The authors outline four main subjects in the system of education: student, teacher, parent and administrator. According to Voronin depending on which of these subjects enter into interaction different conflicts can be observed. Regardless of the number of students the conflict process is characterized with a high level of complexity. One of the most-characteristic and widely spread conflicts are among students and the most frequent argument is related to leadership.
According to psychologists the road to leadership in the youth environment goes through demonstration of explicit superiority and is often connected with unsubstantiated and uncalled for cynicism, cruelty, mercilessness. One of the paradoxes of world pedagogic comes from the fact that children are prone to the feeling of the herd, of unmotivated cruelty and aggression towards their peers to a much greater extent than the grown ups.
American psychologist Albert Bandura back in 1959 experimentally manages to prove that conflict children are educated as a rule by parents who have treated them with physical violence and punishments. The same author makes a point that when a movie with verbal aggression is shown to the children, they are prone to copying the characters.
In the early stages of socialization of the personality aggression can appear also by chance, but through reaching success by using it, it can turn into a useful and preferred pattern for resolution of different hard situations.
According to V. H. Lozotsev from 1986 conflicts between the youths in their peer relations are presupposed by the characteristics of their age – the formation of moral and ethical criteria in complex conditions, during conscious search of evaluation by the peers and the related behavior requirements. According to the authors it is practically impossible to eradicate youth conflicts. Depending on how successful school socialization of the child is the acquisition of spiritual and moral values changes the intensiveness of the conflicts. An important role in conflict resolution is assigned to discipline – the skill to provide to the child or youth the freedom necessary for its proper development and formation, within the boundaries of reasonable obeying of common forms, educating knowledge and habits, as well as accepted and aware control and self-control.
The constant social demonstration that the ruder is stronger, the impertinent is successful, that in the world and society the rough and arrogant force rules and that only those who behave cheeky, decisively and bravely can succeed, annihilates the common norms and rules and influences negatively the formation of the youths’ common sense and behavior. Long term attitudes with cognitive, emotional but also willful element are formed. These are world-stereotypes, strange sensitiveness and a model for imitation.
Before this picture of symptomatic events we ask ourselves about the roots of this outburst of violence between peers in our society. Why and how is such drastic lack of respect and underestimation of personal dignity generated?
With some, undoubtedly, aggression is a protective mechanism – opposite to passiveness and apathy, a form of dealing with stress and age-related development, personal growth and socialization.
This material has reviewed the demonstration of the influence of different reasons in different aspects.
First: The style and interaction of the teacher with the students is an example and is copied in the peer relationships. Some research by O. G. Osadko from 1993 showed that the communication style and the pedagogic tactics of the first teacher are very important for formation of the interpersonal relations between the students and with their parents. A style of communication and pedagogic tactics of collaboration presuppose and ensure to a large extent conflict free relationships.
A very small part of the teachers possess this approach and style of teaching – not more than 15%.
Second: The teacher is obliged to interfere in the conflict relationships between the students and to regulate them. This does not mean that he/she should resolve them at all times. Sometimes he/she should just interfere administratively, sometimes he/she should only give an appropriate advice.
The process of education is impossible without disputes and conflicts. A major influence on the conflict behavior of students has the personality of the teacher.
The conflict management recommendations provided by the authors towards the teachers are very interesting:
- to control their emotions, to be objective and to provide opportunities to the students to express their pretensions and thus let off steam;
- to try not to impose to the students their understanding about their position;
- to not offend the personality and self-respect of the students – sometimes one misplaced word or reaction can never be compensated by anything;
- to not use, even temporarily, to isolate a students or a group from the class;
- to avoid in principle the search for administrative solutions through the involvement of an arbitrary in the face of a higher instance;
- to never respond to aggression with aggression, to never offend the personality, to only give evaluation of a certain deed or act;
- to allow the right to make mistakes – to themselves as well as to the students. After all the only ones who are never mistaken are those who do nothing.
- regardless of the result of the conflict resolution, to never allow themselves to sever the relationships with the student;
- to not be afraid of conflicts with students, but to take the initiative of their constructive resolution;
- to not value only the students’ ability to understand and agree with their position or to try to impose it in all cases and at any price.
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I Am Not Scared Project
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