"I Am Not Scared" Project
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Managing and Evaluating Change; The Management of Change at Policy Level
Julie Shaughnessy
“VISTA School Bullying and Violence: Taking Action” project
School violence, school policy
training module
Parents, Policy Makers, Teachers, Researchers, Young People, School Directors.
1 - 20 pages
The contents of this unit are as follows:
- Description of the objectives of the document, which are to: consider trends in public policy that influence schools’ approach to the management of change; reflect on the impact of policy initiatives on practice in violence reduction within schools; consider the direction of policy making in light of schools’ priorities and targets; develop a whole school approach for the review of existing policies; highlight the contrasting perceptions of different stakeholders in the
management of change;
- Presentation of the facilitation skills to be developed through this unit, which are (1) knowledge and understanding of the trends within national policy and their impact on school priorities; how to review school policy to reflect the views of stakeholders; how to review and manage change (2) personal qualities and attributes include: having an appreciation of different perspectives of stakeholders within the management of change; being able to deal with conflicting viewpoints and being an effective communicator; being an effective trainer and advisor of staff, governors, parents, carers and pupils.
Concern over violence in schools in recent years has been reflected in public policies that have prioritised educational standards over social inclusion.
Particular attention has been paid to communities and individual schools where young people are labelled as disaffected. However, it is often the case that policy
makers are driven by narrow curricular outcomes rather than a holistic view of education that meets the rights of young people. Consequently, this leads to a level of exclusive practices in schools which can marginalise disadvantaged
communities. Within these debates the policy context has increasingly considered the link between educational attainment and the social capital of families and communities.
This document is also available in EN language at the following link:
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I Am Not Scared Project
Copyright 2024 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
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