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Bullying: analysis in Spanish Schools.
F. Cerezo.
International Journal of Psychology and Psychological therapy, 9 (3),383-394, 2009.
Bullying, school violence, Bull-S questionnaire, profiles involved
1 - 20 pages
This article aims to lay the foundation for analysis of the situation of bullying in Spain, based on the use of one instrument, the Bull-S test, widely validates and used in different countries and contexts. We present data on the evolution of the bullying phenomenon from 1990-2006 in Spanish Schools (Primary and Secundary) in terms of levels of incidence. It includes analysis of the personal characteristics of those involved, sociometric and situational aspects as frequency, forms and places where it occurs, and a appreciation of the importance and level of perceived safety in the classroom group where it occurs. These elements will explain the prevalence and extent.
This article has been selected mainly to provide insightful information on the phenomenon of bullying throughout the Spanish territory, both in private and public, in Primary and Secondary Education, through a longitudinal study that will allow us to learn more about this type of problematic.
The results of this study confirm that the bullying problem occurs in all schools surveyed, bringing the level of incidence around 23% (especially during the last years of primary and lower secondary). The most common forms of abuse.
The most prominent places where these forms of abuse occur in descending order of frequency: classroom, playground and access to downtown areas in secondary education, while primary education, would, playground, classrooms and other spaces in the center.
In addition, this research reveals that in terms of relationships in the peer group classroom, help to strengthen the roles of the aggressor, receiving reinforcements while the helplessness of the victim, who is often isolated. On the other hand, the assessment that the group makes these situations is another element that reinforces the prevalence
of bullying, as it gives little importance to these problems and helps to highlight the group character on the phenomenon.
University of Seville
I Am Not Scared Project
Copyright 2024 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
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