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How to Raise a Child with a High EQ : A Parents' Guide to Emotional Intelligence
Laurence Shapiro
Issuer JAR – Janet Argirova
Emotional intelligence, friendship, self-control, emotion
Parents, Policy Makers, Teachers, Researchers, Young People, School Directors.
Over 100 pages
This book is a compulsory reading for parents, school psychologists and specialists working with and educating children. The book considers the multitude of aspects of the so called emotional intelligence and successfully proves why the emotional quotient is more important than the intelligence quotient.
According to the last statistical researches the intelligence quotient of contemporary children has grown with more than 20 points compared to the beginning of the century. At the same time their social and emotional skills have plunged. It is sufficient to mention the psychological problems, the rise of violence and the drug abuse.
The reviewed book directs us to the ways, in which we could support our children to deal with the challenges of contemporary life. It is necessary for the children to become educated in the so called social and emotional skills, which are considered as a revolution in child psychology.
Dr. Laurence Shapiro gives practical and useful pieces of advice on how the children can be taught to: make friends and maintain friendships; work in groups; speak and listen effectively; express themselves; oppose bullies; learn how to be sensitive to others’ misery and how to be compassionate; how to resolve problems; how to humor themselves; how to motivate themselves in hard times; how to meet the hardships with decisiveness; how to experience nice feelings from intimate relationships; how to use the computer in order to express their emotional skills.
Full of games, tests and different techniques this book is a valuable guideline for parents and teachers, and is also of interest to students in pedagogy, psychology and medicine. The emotional quotient is more important for the success of a child than the quotient of intelligence.
The purpose of this book is to teach the children skills and games for improvement of their abilities – or, as psychologists would put it – to acquire emotional intelligence or an emotional quotient. Only now we are starting to understand that all children make use of studying the emotional intelligence skills and not just the children with special needs or problems. It has been proven that having a high emotional quotient is as important as having a high IQ. Each follow up research confirms that the children possessing emotional intelligence skills are happier, more confident and A-graders in school. These skills should become the constructive force for the children and turn them into open, caring and creative personalities.
A compulsory reading for each parent, teacher, administrator who wants to bring up a child with stable psychic, strong social contacts and abilities/skills.
Zinev Art Technologies
I Am Not Scared Project
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