"I Am Not Scared" Project
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Convivencia: A model of prevention of violence.
R. Ortega.
FETE enseñanza, Instituto sindical de cooperación al desarrollo, y Ministerio de Asuntos exteriores y de cooperación.
School violence, prevention, convivencia, whole policy approach, ANDAVE project.
Researchers, school psychologist.
21 - 100 pages
In our country, the models of facing of the school violence are more of preventive character than palliative, reason why this problem is approached from programs directed to the improvement of the coexistence and the education in values, more than to the control and the elimination of the interpersonal violence. To work from this optics adds a positive and stimulating connotation of the intervention that agrees more to the school culture. He is advisable to work from an ecological, global and communitarian perspective, that is to say, of form similar to which it is known in Europe like programs of global policy, which try to incorporate to the initiatives anti-violence to all the agents implied directly or indirectly, from the own students to the educative administration. In our cultural environment, the majority of the projects, programs and initiatives of prevention of the confliction and the violence, maintain the nature, structures and dynamics of these models of global policy. These models have been defended by the information of the Council of Europe (Vettenburg Report), which propose the holistic and ecological models like most suitable and bets by a preventive option. Also, In this article, it is described and reference to the Andalucía Anti-violence School Project (ANDAVE), and to its later extension and update, which receives the name of Schools of Peace and Non-violence, like good examples of models of Coexistence.
In the last years, the school coexistence has become a subject of special interest in the spanish educative system, like in the rest of Europe. This article reflects the ample vision with which it has come approaching the problems from scholastic violence, from a global perspective, analyzing the cutural and educative context in which these problems occur. It recognizes the necessity to act of a preventive form to avoid that the conflicts that happen in the school get to become violence problems and abuse in the school like fundamental strategy for the boarding of bullying, although also it is considered like very necessary, the detection and the later intervention of the most serious cases. In addition, it is mentioned as all the independent communities have an institutional program that they confront these problems and that the majority of them is programs of education for the coexistence. This indicates at that our cultural surroundings bet by this type of programs for the pacific coexistence and the education in values to confront the phenomenon of bullying in our country.
University of Seville
I Am Not Scared Project
Copyright 2024 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
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