"I Am Not Scared" Project
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Decalogue for a victim of cyberbullying.
J. Flores Fernández
Pantallas amigas, 1-3, 2010.
Bullying, cyberbullying, intervention, decalogue, protocol of action.
Parents, Policy Makers, Teachers, Young People, School Directors, School Psychologist.
1 - 20 pages
In our country, a long way has been crossed already to sensitize and to inform on the ciber-harassment and many preventive resources have started up, mainly in the school scope. Nevertheless, it is necessary to advance a little more and than resources and procedures are created to take part on this phenomenon. This article proposes that when a case takes place it is precise to establish as much services of support as protocols of intervention for the independent management. When a case of ciberbullying is detected the educative community appeals to the knowledge of traditional bullying and they take part from the plans of coexistence designed. Nevertheless, many differences in relation to traditional bullying exist reason why we must act of form suitable and fit to this new phenomenon. This article defends that an immediate intervention and to do it of suitable form, is the key. Sometimes, the initiative must be of the own victim and is precise its collaboration. Next, ten fundamental rules set out to avoid risks in the Network and to use this tool of a safe form. Finally, a series of recommendations is offered to pass on these rules of the way more adapted and fit to the person and the case that we face.
For several years, it is getting to sensitize our society and to provide information on the phenomenon of ciberbullying; nevertheless, still it is not known for some parents. Besides this sensitization, more resources would be due to create to confront these cases, since usually they are used the same programs or strategies used with bullying. These phenomena must be taken part of different form, since they respond to a series of characteristics and very different causes. When we detect a case of this type we must be preparations to confront it of the rightest form. For it, it is necessary to create and to spread to strategies and protocols of action, like for example the first Protocol of School Action before the Ciberbullying. This article is one of the contributions of Pantallas Amigas and belongs to this protocol and they advance some basic and unpublished rules to support those who need it and, therefore, I see important the knowledge of the same. Creating these protocols of intervention, adapted and fit to the characteristics of ciberbullying, it will be possible to be detected with more facility these cases of peer violence and to be able to act of immediate and effective form from the schools or the home.
University of Seville
I Am Not Scared Project
Copyright 2025 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
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