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Internet aggression
Alexander Stankov
Online magazine “Virtual culture”
Internet, aggression, attack, vulnerability
Web Article
Parents, Teachers, Researchers, Young People.
1 - 20 pages
The reviewed publication is a short article on the topic of internet aggression. It is not structured in any specific way, still it provides valuable information regarding the reasons and expressions of Internet aggression. The article is very useful because of the references, which it makes to other used information sources and authors, namely Garbasz, Yaara Di Segni, “Aggression in the virtual community”, 1997 (http://www.personal.u-net.com/~yandy/papers/PSA.html), Holland, Norman, “The Internet regression”, (http://www-usr.rider.edu/~suler/psycyber/holland.html), Цитати от Dollard, John, Doob, Leonard W., Miller, Neal E., Mowrer, O. H. and Sears, Robert R., “Frustration and Aggression” , 1939, Young, Robert Maxwell, “Some Parameters of Virtual Reality”, 1996, Reed, Mike, “Flame Warriors”, (http://redwing.hutman.net/~mreed/).
The following comparison made by one of the authors quoted above in connection with her symbolic understanding of internet aggression: '...the barking started as usual. It continued until we reached the gate where no fence stood between us. The dog's barking suddenly turned to a whine. He backed off, head down, and only continued barking after we had a fence between us once again. I realized then that the dog actually thought of itself as ineffectual and no match for the creatures on the other side of the fence. Only with the protection the fence provided was the dog able to voice its anger and frustration with the world. Only when there was no apparent possibility of direct confrontation was the dog courageous. I think of that dog sometimes when I read flames. And puffer fish.'
The article is informative and a useful reading for parents and professionals.
Zinev Art Technologies
I Am Not Scared Project
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