"I Am Not Scared" Project
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Safe Internet – Teacher book
Dr. Daniela Kolarova, Matilda Bahneva, Alexander Ranev, Veronika Kozareva, Evgenia Markova, Cicelia Rangelova, Grozdanka Stamatova
Foundation “Partners Bulgaria”
Safe internet, relationships, virtual profile
Parents, Teachers.
21 - 100 pages
The reviewed book includes 2 large sections – an introductory part, including the following components: What makes the topic interesting?; What do the figures show? (some statistics); The law and the Internet; Objective of this book; Structure of the book; Proposed methods; and a part with thematic exercises, which include the following topics: My rights and responsibilities on the net; My rules in the Internet; the hacker – a thief of information or the hero of the day; My relationships with the others on the Internet; How to help a friend?; I search for friends on the Internet or “my virtual profile”; Online communication – what are the risks?; Social networks and friendship sites; Games on the Internet – fun and risks; Sexual harassment on the Internet; Pedophiles on the Internet; Interesting information; and Annexes. The annexes include additional materials for practical exercises – questionnaires, response cards. The interesting information is related to real situations of virtual violence and their effect on the victims.
The reviewed book is a very useful practical publication, which should be possessed by every teacher in the Bulgarian schools. It gives excellent orientation regarding the potential threats on the Internet, gives examples regarding tragic incidents and depressive conditions, to which Internet torture and misconduct could lead.
Different hypothetic situations taken from real life have been played and teachers and students together, by means of a discussion, reach the most logical conclusions regarding the best reactions in certain specific situations.
The publication is available in pdf format, however the file is bigger than the allowed upload size. Upon request it can be provided by email.
Zinev Art Technologies
I Am Not Scared Project
Copyright 2024 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
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