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Municipal strategy for child protection 2008-2018
Administration staff
Municipality of Kubrat
Local authorities, strategy, protection, child
Legislative document
Policy Makers, Teachers, Researchers, School Directors.
1 - 20 pages
The developed municipal strategy for child protection includes the following main sections: the situation of the children in Bulgaria and in the municipality of Kubrat – in this section the main moments intro consideration are demographic development, education, gifted children, children at risk, children victims of violence, aggression and exploitation, children of the street, children offenders and crime perpetrators, children on the Internet; strategic aim, objectives and measures for achieving the objectives; rights and protection of the children; expected results with regard to the objectives. This strategy demonstrates the attitude of the local authorities towards the issues related to child protection, as well as the concrete tasks, which have been scheduled for implementation so that the objectives are truly achieved.
The development of the children and the protection of their rights is a national priority, requesting concentration of resources, constant political and social attention and maximum coordination of the policies. The municipal strategy for the child determines the priority directions and activities for improving the well being of the children in the municipality. The strategy has been accepted in relation to article 1, line 3 of the Law on child protection and is based on the National strategy for child protection, the general principles of the Convention for child rights of the United Nations Organization.
The state policy in this sphere combines the efforts of all engaged institutions for the planning and execution of activities directed towards ensuring the chief child interests and protecting the rights of all children in Bulgaria.
The municipal strategy has been developed in connection with the specific situation and social status of the children in the municipality and their needs. It has been synchronized with the national strategy and has its own objectives. The strategy also includes the resources for its implementation and the expected results.
This strategy is a document, which could be interesting and useful for decision makers, who would be interested to multiply strategic and political acts of this kind.
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I Am Not Scared Project
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