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National program for child protection 2010
Experts with the government of the Republic of Bulgaria
Government of the Republic of Bulgaria
National program, protection, child
Legislative document
Policy Makers, Teachers, Researchers, School Directors.
21 - 100 pages
The priority spheres of the national program are diminishing child poverty and creating conditions for social inclusion of the children; ensuring equal access to pre-school preparation and school education; encouraging the child involvement and participation; improving child health; protection form all forms of abuse, violence and exploitation; relaxation, free time and development of capabilities, skills and talents of the child; maintenance of a national information system in the sphere of child protection and improving the management of the system for child protection.
Main accent in the program are the children with disabilities and the talented children. A part of the scheduled activities are connected with the necessity for implementing a general review of the legal documentation with regard to children and family. This proves that at a national level a need for new modern measures for protection and care for the Bulgarian children has been observed. This is really important considering all the old problems and new risks, which they are facing.
The program is most useful for decision makers, for representatives of the local authorities, who are developing their own local strategies for child protection, as well as to society as a whole, since it needs to be informed about the envisaged at political and national level measures and the specified objectives.
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I Am Not Scared Project
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