"I Am Not Scared" Project
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Preventative and Integrative Practice; Restorative Approaches in School: Towards a Restorative School
Dobrinka Chankova and Tanya Poshtova
“VISTA School Bullying and Violence: Taking Action” project
School violence, prevention, restorative approaches
training module
21 - 100 pages
The contents of this unit are as follows:
- Description of the objectives of the document, which are to: understand restorative justice principles, ideas and values; understand contemporary restorative approaches in a school setting; know how to promote a restorative climate in school; be able to apply strategies for the implementation of restorative
practices in a school as a part of a whole school policy for identification, reduction and prevention of school violence
- Presentation of the facilitation skills to be developed through this unit, which are (1) knowledge and understanding of an individual’s need and ability to resolve their own problems; a restorative response to violence, wrongdoing and everyday school problems; training time needed for teachers, school, staff and students to be aware of restorative approaches (as separate from training for facilitators); the impact of restorative practices on the whole school community (2) personal qualities and attributes include: acceptance of diverse experience and points of view; how to listen actively and in a non-judgemental way; effective communication skills.
Many young people in school commit offences or are victims of an offence or other antisocial act. Punishment is usually seen as the most appropriate response to wrongdoing in schools. The document explores alternatives to
punishment as it could be counter-productive. Lately, restorative approaches have been considered as a relevant way of addressing school violence.
The document is also available in EN language at the following link:
Zinev Art Technologies
I Am Not Scared Project
Copyright 2024 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
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