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Determining violence
Bulgarian Ministry of the Interior
Bulgarian Ministry of the Interior
Violence; factors contributing to violence; national specifics determining violent behavior
program document of the Bulgarian Ministry of the Interior
Parents, Policy Makers, Teachers, Researchers, Young People, School Directors.
1 - 20 pages
The document analyzes the violence phenomenon and more specifically how it is formed in Bulgaria. It analyzes also the factors of the environment leading to violence, the forms of violence, the profiles of the violator and the victims of violence, the possible actions of the police and what their behavior in such situation should be. The document contains also information about the legal documents – national and international, which aim at violence prevention.
With the deepening of the socio - economic crisis
social growth of domestic violence is rising. In this context, unemployment and lack of financial security can be identified as the main factors triggering violence in all its forms. Observations on life, as well as data from studies show that in Bulgaria domestic violence is dominant in size and cruelty.
According to other studies, the Balkans is a place where violence is part of the growth of children, i.e. corrective measure. Domestic violence in Bulgaria is rarely provoked by the fact that the child has failed to obey a parent’s prohibition, it is much more often provoked by the fact that the family has a problem. These facts support the thesis that violence in our country serve to overcome family problems and upholds the principle “The stronger is always right"
Zinev Art Technologies
I Am Not Scared Project
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