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Aggression as phenomenon and problem
Valya Bocheva
Kindergarten N 3 “Kid city”
Adolescence, aggression, divorce, phenomenon
Web Article
Parents, Policy Makers, Teachers.
1 - 20 pages
This article is not strictly structured. It starts with some introductory words about human nature and the distinguishing between two very different types of aggression, namely the purely animalistic aggression, which appears when life interests and functions are endangered and the other kind - „evil” aggression, cruelty and destructiveness. Following this the author considers the factors, which trigger aggression in adolescent age. The direct as well as indirect influences on the development of aggression are considered. The author continues with the response to the question “where do children morel?” and a discussion of the topic “violence and media”.
This article is useful with the finding that there is an interrelation between aggression and the feeling of guilt after an aggressive act. With aggressive types a feeling of guilt and remorse is literally missing, while with the less aggressive ones a feeling of self disapproval is present after hurting someone else. Teaching children and youths to be more compassionate and sensitive could be an effective way for controlling aggression.
In the form of a useful resume this article gives a broad look upon the topic of violence among children and youths as well as its roots. Useful reading for a broad scope of users – mostly teachers, parents, decision makers.
Zinev Art Technologies
I Am Not Scared Project
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