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Educational file – Stop to Cyber-bullying
Nel Broothaerts
Child Focus
Web Article
Parents, Teachers, School Directors.
The objective of this educational file is to help the schools to manage cyber-bullying
It provide the teachers, the headmasters, the PMS workers and all other person concerned with information about the components of this issue, but also the actions to be undertaken at the class and school levels.
Moreover, you will find in this educational file ten very concrete methods, ready to use, in order to tackle cyber-bullying with pupils of the 1st and 2nd degrees of secondary school and to debate about the role that the pupils actively play in this phenomenon.
This educational file also aims to make the pupils consider the consequences of their own acts and to encourage them to use the Internet in a responsible and respectful way. Thanks to these different methods, you can dedicate one or several lessons to this theme.
Very interesting educational file!
Each one of these 10 methods is mainly based on dialog and idea exchange. By working and thinking together, the pupils share their experience and they can have new points of view. As a teacher, your role is essentially to support the pupils by providing them with a space dedicated to collective reflection, by proposing them themes and tracks to reflect and by encouraging them to wonder about the right questions.
I Am Not Scared Project
Copyright 2025 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
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