"I Am Not Scared" Project
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Preventative and Integrative Practice; Creating a Shared Understanding of School Bullying and Violence.
Sigrun K. Ertesvåg
“VISTA School Bullying and Violence: Taking Action” project
School violence, prevention, shared understanding of school bullying and violence
training module
Parents, Policy Makers, Teachers, Researchers, Young People, School Directors.
1 - 20 pages
The contents of this unit are as follows:
- Description of the objectives of the document, which are to: consider strategies for engaging staff in activities which will support them in arriving at a clearer rationale for creating a shared understanding of school bullying and violence; motivate and support staff in creating a shared understanding of school bullying and violence and ownership of and commitment to the
work to combat these problems; be familiar with the skills involved in preparing for a school action plan;
- Presentation of the facilitation skills to be developed through this unit, which are (1) knowledge and understanding of the benefits of creating a shared understanding and commitment; effective procedures to create shared understanding and commitment; how teachers relate to each other; factors influencing collaboration among staff (2) personal qualities and attributes include: being an effective leader of change processes; being able to facilitate and values colleagues’ opinions about their work situation; being an advocate for pupils (best interest) in working with/among staff; having knowledge of the skills needed to facilitate staff members with
opportunities to create a shared understanding and knowledge of school bullying and violence; being sensitive to different opinions among staff; being able to engage others in cooperative work and create a collaborative process.
A shared understanding of many aspects of school life among members of a school community is considered a central precondition for creating effective schools. The document explores the importance of a shared understanding
of school bullying and violence, together with a shared ownership of and commitment to handling issues in this area, which are often overlooked.
This document is also available in EN language at the following link:
22_creating shared understanding of school bullying and violence.pdf
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I Am Not Scared Project
Copyright 2024 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
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