"I Am Not Scared" Project
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Cyber Training
Centre for Educational Research (zepf), University of Koblenz-Landau (Germany);Infoart, Plovdiv (Bulgaria);Department of Developmental and Educational Psychology. University of Seville (Spain); Anti-Bullying Centre, School of Education, Trinity College Du
Lifelong Learning Programme
Cyberbullying, Training Manual, Resources,
Web Site
Parents, Policy Makers, Teachers, School Directors.
Not relevant
The CyberTraining project, which ran from October 2008 to October 2010, had as it's main aim to develop a training manual on cyberbullying which provides trainers with clear guidance, support and resources. The training manual, now available from this web site, primarily addresses trainers from across Europe working with schools, parents and young people affected by or dealing with cyberbullying on various levels. The manual is both practice-oriented and well-grounded in the latest research findings on cyberbullying.
In addition the site provides reports from each of the six partners on the cyber training situation in each country and a transnational comparative analysis of the situation in Europe.
The site also gives reports from the partners on the different approaches to the problem in each country.
Overall we feel this is a very useful site with a wealth of information about cyber bullying - what it is, how widespread it is and what approaches are being used to tackle the problem across Europe, as well as an easy to understand and use training manual.
Although we did find the home page of the site a little bare, we recommend the user first clicks on 'About CyberTraining' to find out the project background. Then the 'Research' link brings up the individual country reports and the 'Intervention' link brings up the reports of different approaches
The main focus of the site is through the 'Training Manual' link where there are sections on Introduction to ICT; Introduction to Cyberbullying; Approaches in Europe; Working with Parents; Working with Schools; Working with young people.
Each one of these sections is well structured with: Objectives and learning outcomes; Current knowledge and thinking; Activities; Resources;References; Useful web sites;
Wilsthorpe Community School
I Am Not Scared Project
Copyright 2024 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
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