"I Am Not Scared" Project
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Be Someone to Tell
Resources for parents,
Web Site
Not relevant
This Parentline Plus website is for parents who are concerned about bullying in their child's life, both outside and within school. The site contains a wide range of information specifically for parents about bullying:
1) What is bullying
2) Understanding bullying
3) Who is involved
4) Why it happens
5) How it happens
6) Where it happens
7) When it happens
8) Publications - resources which can be downloaded
9) Useful links
This site has been included purely as a resource for parents. It is easy to use and contains much of what a parent will want to know, such as: Spotting the signs; talking to your child; building self esteem; sibling bullying; disability; race and culture; sexual bullying; homophobic bullying; cyberbullying; and most importantly what to do.
Useful leaflets can be downloaded from the site, including one specifically for families with disabled children. There is also (under the 'Publications tab') a report on 'The impact of bullying: views of parents' which looks at 706 calls taken by Parentline were bullying was the primary reason for calling which contains a number os practical and sensible recommendations.
Finally, we think parents will be interested in the 'Useful Links' tab, where there are names and links to twelve organisations which may be able to help a parents who's child has a bullying problem.
Wilsthorpe Community School
I Am Not Scared Project
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