"I Am Not Scared" Project
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Cyber Bullying UK
Bullying UK
Bullying UK
Advice for young people on - Cyber bullying, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Myspace, Bebo, Sexting,
Web Site
Parents, Young People.
Not relevant
Cyber BullyingUK is a miniweb site which is an offshoot of the Bullying UK web site (see the link on the site).
It aims to give young people (and their parents) advice and guidance on how to be safe on line and to stop cyber bullying.
The site is split up into seven separate areas, each with it's own specific advice:
1) Facebook - a guide to Facebook privacy and safety
2) Twitter - keeping young people safe on Twitter
3) Youtube - privacy and sharing
4) Myspace - advice if you are being bullied on Myspace
5) Bebo - advice if you are being bullied on Bebo
6) Phone - advice if you are being bullied via a mobile phone
7) Sexting - an explanation about sexting and guidance on keeping
private things private
We have introduced this site mainly as a resource for young people.
The parents we have spoken to found this site a useful introduction into the perils and potential dangers of social network sites and mobile phones.
The guidance is clear, easy to understand both for young people and their parents.
Wilsthorpe Community School
I Am Not Scared Project
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