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Stop bullying
Pasquali S.
Centro per i diritti del cittadino - Roma
Juvenile crime – aggression – justice – suffering - isolation
Parents, Teachers, Young People.
21 - 100 pages
This document helps us understand the bullying phenomenon. First of all bullying is defined as the attitude of a person to dominate other people. The bully enjoys behaving violently and goes on doing this because s/he thinks to be the leader of the group. The victim on the other hand is the person who tends to isolate him/herself from the group because s/he is afraid of revenge. The places where bullying mainly takes place are the school and less monitored places where guys can create gangs or “herds”. Bullying can be shown through direct and physical abuse (kicks, punches, blackmail…) and indirect abuse (insults and verbal threats). “Weak people” who are considered “different” are more subjected to abuse and aggressions. Who suffers bullying, he does not want to go to school, is isolated, hardly ever speaks to parents and adults because they are afraid of retorsions.It is necessary to turn to justice, to report the suffered abuse and to ask for a corrective intervention. If the public authority recognizes the aggression, the victim is more willing to acquire self confidence. Besides the written report, the civil authorities such as the Police can intervene verbally. Out of pain and suffered abuse, the strength to combat bullying can be found out.
The suggestion to write down a handbook that could enable us to identify the phenomenon is convincing and complete. Most of the times experts and families need to learn clear and precise information before carrying out any type of intervention. In the text there is a list of phone numbers in the province of Rome which is possible to apply to. Most of the times the causes of bullying may be found in the family of origin. That’s why the psychological and judicial support is a necessary and useful method. As the phenomenon is becoming more and more widespread, the report identifies the main common guidelines of intervention concerning Rome and the surroundings.
don Milani
I Am Not Scared Project
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