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Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania
Concerning national child abuse prevention and child support program approval for the year 2008-2010.
The Government of the Republic of Lithuania
Lithuanian Ministry of Social Security and Labour
Child, risk, prevention, violator, professional competence
Parents, Policy Makers, Teachers, School Directors.
1 - 20 pages
In this resolution is presented general provisions for the national child abuse prevention and child support program for the year 2008-2010 by the government of the Republic of Lithuania, also the environmental analysis, program goals and objectives, aimed results and criteria of the evaluation, and the means of program implementation.
The general provisions present the purpose of the program, disclosures the terms related to this subject.
Environmental analysis presents the value and the relevance of the topic: it discusses the situation of violence in Lithuania, the prevalence trends. There are provided child protection services, IT and Communications Department of the Interior Ministry data on children that had experienced violence and what free social, medical, legal and psychological assistance as the complex had they and their families received.
The document presents the measures that will help implement the program for 2008-2010: various campaigns, projects, professional training, and various training, methodological recommendations, free telephone help lines installation, support centers establishment.
This document has been chosen because it presents in detail the national child abuse prevention and child support program for 2008-2010, which is relevant to our institution. Particular attention is paid to environmental analysis, which is widely discussing today's situation in Lithuania in terms of violence - as a social phenomenon. Provides significant information about the 2005-2007 program and the results were achieved.
In the Annex of the resolution detailed and specific description are given on what measures will be provided for each task to implement the program. It may be noted that the program includes a very large number and variety of institutions that contribute to violence against children prevention. These institutions’ working fields overlap thus there is a great chance the aimed results would not be achieved. In Section IV the program identifies aimed results and the criteria of evaluation, however vague forms of settlement, how we will see the end result, the benefits on a particular child.
Šiauliai “Rasos” secondary school
I Am Not Scared Project
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