"I Am Not Scared" Project
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"What every child should know about violence and how to stay safe"
Aušra Kurienė
Education supply centre of Ministry of education and science of The Republic of Lithuania
Violence, neglect, bullying, safety, support
Young People, specialists.
21 - 100 pages
This book is aimed at children, it is quite easy to understand and acceptable to children because of the way it talks about violence. It would be important to read this book for children who are victims of violence and for violators, but also those who have not experienced it, but sees their friends mistreated. There is explanations how violence can occure, why some adults are abusing children, or does not monitor them, whether children can be perpetrators of violence, how to protect themselves and what services help the victims of violence. It encouraged children to speak about bullying and violence, because the more people know, it is the more likely they can be helped.
The book has been chosen as a guidance tool to sum up the main accent talking to children about violence and abuse. It is quite simple, it can be recommended to children for reading alone.
Violence is the largest problem of twenty-first century. Violence is committed not only by children but also often by a raise of adults hands.The booklet is not just about violence at school, but also about the violence at home, online.
The book is good that children are taught to distinguish types of violence. This book is designed for children that they could be able to talk about experienced violence and to be able to help a friend in trouble.
Ka kiekvienas vaikas turi zinoti apie smurta ir kaip islikti saugiam_7.doc.pdf
Šiauliai „Rasos“ Secondary School
Kaunas Titas Maiulis Youth School
I Am Not Scared Project
Copyright 2024 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
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