"I Am Not Scared" Project
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Agresivitatea in scoala
Havirneanu Cornel, Șoitu Laurențiu
Institutul European
Aggression in school
Parents, Policy Makers, Teachers, Researchers, School Directors.
Over 100 pages
Aggression in schools illustrates the interactions and the various effects that occur in the relation between pupils and teachers. To talk about aggression as a purely negative phenomenon, and especially, as exclusively dependent on the aggressive subject, is a very limited approach, at least in educational terms. As a result, the volume takes into account the fundamental psychological structures and on this ground, the environment that leads to aggressive behavior.
Identification of the main factors that are responsible for these attitudes and behavior is made in the first chapter, which demonstrates that, above all, there is an indifference of aggression at the level of all educational factors. Children grow up in an environment in which indifference is the main enemy of education, of self respect and of human rights.
It was never easy to achieve consensus on the phrase defining a universe in a state of continuous becoming, as it the child’s. The more difficult it’s now because of the radical changes on the image of family and school due to multiple mass media or community interventions.
School and family responsibility is not enough to give an account of the achievements of generations in both professional and social plans. The many interdependencies make the two institutions lose autonomy, but also to give part of the responsibility to other social centers, with educational power.
This book is very important because it deals with current issues from an educational point of view and the level of analysis is one that responds to very high standards.
EuroEd Foundation
I Am Not Scared Project
Copyright 2025 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
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