"I Am Not Scared" Project
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Safe from Bullying - Guidance for local authorities and other strategic leaders on reducing bullying in the community
Department for Children, Schools and Families
Department for Children, Schools and Families
Local Authorities, community bullying,
Policy Makers, School Directors.
21 - 100 pages
This quite short document has been produced by the department for Children, Schools and Families and is part of the 'Safe to Learn' suite of materials which includes supplementary guidance on racist bullying, homophobic bullying, cyberbullying and bullying involving children and young people with Special Needs and disabilities.
The guidance is intended for Local authority anti-bullying co-ordinators, multiagency anti-bullying steering groups, Local
Safeguarding Children Boards etc.
Starting with a basic definition of bullying ('Bullying is behavious, usually repeated over time, that intentionally hurts another individual or group, physically or emotionally. One person or a group can bully others') the report explains how bullying differs from banter and outlines the different forms which bullying can take - racist, cyber, sexual, sexist and transphobic, homophobic, disablist etc.
Unlike most of the resouces submitted for this project, the report looks at the responsibility of Local Authorities for bullying in out of school settings such as the impact on children's use of play and leisure amenities, in Children's homes, during youth activities and on journeys and explains why it is important to address bullying in the community.
The report then goes on to outline how bullying can be stopped through a combination of prevention and response and the roles and responsibilities of Local Authorities, Local Safeguarding Children Boards and gives several case study examples together with sources of further information, advice and support.
A report of this length (about 23 pages) isn't really long enough to fully cover all aspects of 'community bullying' but as one of a series of 'Safe to Learn' publications, the report is a good starting point for those interested in the topic.
We found the case studies interesting, particularly the example about the 'East Sussex anti-bullying team' and their high success rate (85% from 229 cases).
We also found the footnotes and suggestions for further advice to be useful, especially the axamples of local authority policy, strategy and guidance covering bullying in the community (page 21 of the report).
Wilsthorpe Community School
I Am Not Scared Project
Copyright 2024 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
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