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Bullying at school. Analysis of the phenomenon and practical intervention strategies.
Olla I.
Marco Valerio Editore
the intention to cause harm - compassion - seriousness and length - power vs vulnerability – family upbringing
Parents, Policy Makers, Teachers, Researchers, Young People, School Directors.
Over 100 pages
Bullying is becoming more and more widespread and authorities of several European countries – such as Italy – are trying to concentrate on this problem and to work out intervention strategies.
Not only educationalist and experts, parents and teenagers, but all people who have the responsibility to promote education and to enhance the upbringing process are involved in this fight against bullying which is becoming an emergency.
Under the word bullying we identify all the attitudes that a single person or a group adopt to dominate a person.
According to an expert, the key elements that distinguish bullying from the common form of adolescent aggressiveness are the intention to cause harm to other people and the lack of compassion, the seriousness and length of these attitudes, the power of the bully and the vulnerability and weakness of the victim. The writer concentrates mainly on the bullies, putting for this reflection the victims aside.
What makes a pre-adolescent become aggressive and intolerant towards the weak and the outcast?
One of the most important factors listed by the experts is the family upbringing process, seen not only as a formal moment but as a formative one.
The impression we have is that since the last few years a whole generation of parents has been neglecting their upbringing role. They are women and men which have not wanted or have not been able to bring up the new life they created, trying to compensate the lack of interest in the children with other extremely dangerous forms of protection. They are adolescent parents in the way of life and of dressing who put sport and work before the free time spent with their children; they are people who are ready to throw themselves against teachers and authorities verbally or physically, in spite of the effort to apply intervention strategies to correct their behavior. Our society is lacking in the family discipline and in the social control that could ensure at least a sense of coherence.
The book - which is quite interesting and short - is lacking in deeper conclusions. At first it deals with the study of the social deviation in general and then it focuses on the most recent theories. After that the main theme, that is school bullying, is discussed and here we can find a lot of practical and playful activities to be carried out. The language of the book is very simple without useless formalism and it is accessible also to people who are not specialized in psychology and pedagogy.
don Milani
I Am Not Scared Project
Copyright 2024 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
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