"I Am Not Scared" Project
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Exploring cyberbullying in Spain.
J. Calmaestra, R. Ortega, A. Maldonado and J. A. Mora-Merchán.
Landau: Verlag Empirische Pädagogik, 146-162, 2010.
Ciberbullying, ICTs.
1 - 20 pages
This research takes a journey through different aspects of cyberbullying in Spanish schools, including sociodemographic data, use of ICTs, the prevalence of bullying in different regions or the results of measures implemented to combat this problem. The measures established educational work to be undertaken with whole schools (whole policy) and with adults responsible for children (teacher training and activities with families). In addition, these authors cite studies in which there is implementation of various measures undertaken on the various actors of the educational community, such as teacher training, family activities, cooperative learning with students, or training in management responses and training emotional empathy for the aggressors.
This article is particularly important because it brings together results from a full investigation into cyberbullying in Spain. This study collected data on differences in behavior according to age and sex, the type of new technology and its effects. The impact of cyberbullying on victims is another of the objectives of the research being carried out by laecovi team. On the other hand, another important characteristic of this research is the reference to the new positive changes through prevention policies to combat cyberbullying, as well as the approach to protecting the integrity of minors by authorities education, some social organizations and the contribution of the media are starting to include cyber bullying news and scientific articles on cyberbullying.
University of Seville
I Am Not Scared Project
Copyright 2024 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
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