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Personality variables associated with bullying in the dynamics (aggressors versus victims) in children 10 to 15 years.
F. Cerezo.
anales de psicologĂa , 17(1), 37-43, 2001.
Bullying, bullies, victims, personality traits
1 - 20 pages
This research is checking some personality and socialization variables associated with each of the parties to the phenomenon of bullying: perpetrators and victims. A sample of 315 students between 10 and 15 years were 36 students bullies and 17 victims through the questionnaire Bull (Cherry Esteban, 1994). The participating students completed the questionnaire personality Eysenck EPQ-J, the Rosenberg Self-Esteem (Adap. Cerezo, 1996) and socialization Battery BAS-3 de Silva and Martorell. The results were announced significant differences, first displayed high scores on Psychoticism, Honesty and Leadership in bullies, and secondly, Self and Anxiety / Shyness in the victims, emphasizing the dimension of Psychoticism discriminating factor between the two groups.
This article is noteworthy for exposing some aspects of
personality that are revealed clearly differentiating each of the subjects involved in the dynamics of aggression and victimization
tion. Thus, the profile offenders suggest male physical strength which establishes a dynamic relationship aggressive and often violent with those they consider weak and cowardly. They see themselves as leaders and honest, show a considerable self-esteem and assertiveness, verging on occasions with provocation.
In terms of personality variables, often have high level of Psychoticism, Extraversion and Openness, along with an average level of neuroticism. The victims, who are often the target of hostile attacks without provocation, often have a slight build and even a disability and personality traits show high scores in neuroticism, anxiety and introversion, which will lead to social withdrawal and isolation. Insincere will evaluate themselves, and rather aimed to dissimulation. As a possible improvement in this study, it is noted that the investigation should be extended to observers, and those victims who sometimes also assault.
University of Seville
I Am Not Scared Project
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