"I Am Not Scared" Project
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Violence prevention and conflict resolution.
I. Fernández.
Narcea (1998)
School bullying, conflicts, educational models.
Policy Makers, Teachers, Researchers.
Over 100 pages
This book is divided into two distinct parts. The first consists of a theoretical part that introduces the reader a conceptual approach to the subject. The second part provides specific actions and guidelines for intervention in diverse fields such as curriculum development, school organization, the direct handling of agents related to the conflict, participation in the classroom or the principles of coexistence.
It points out the conflict as an opportunity to develop educational models that seek to foster comprehensive school more just, united and plural. Overall, the book can be useful for professionals working in educational settings both formal and nonformal. The guidance and opportunities offered in intervention strategies can be particularly useful for training in social skills to promote acceptance among peers.
University of Seville
I Am Not Scared Project
Copyright 2024 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
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