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Bullying and school violence in the Basque Autonomous Community.
M. Garaigordobil Landazabal and J. A. Oñederra Ramírez.
Psicothema 21(1), 83-89, 2009.
Bullying, secondary school, teacher harassment.
1 - 20 pages
This study presents some characteristics of bullying in the autonomous community of Basque Country through data analysis with a sample of nearly 6000 students aged 10-16 years to which we applied the School Violence Questionnaire Ombudsman People. Results were similar to those of many other research in bullying. But especially highlighted data which showed that most primary victims spoke of their problems with family and secondary victims spoke with friends. On the other hand, the witnesses involved to cut a bullying situation where the victim was his friend, and the assailants perceive that many of their peers encourage them, help or do nothing, and some primary school teachers believe that assilants are punished, while secondary students perceived to be inhibited. The results suggest the need for strategies to identify bullying and psychoeducational intervention.
This article highlights and have found similarities in their results compared with those of other Spanish regions. On the other hand, is of great interest the study carried out this research on the mistreatment of teachers by students demonstrating the increasing harassment in secondary education. These data are related to the fact that students share less time with them, and receive less individual attention. On the other hand, these authors support that this worsening relationships between students and teachers may be due to trend in some adolescents to direct confrontation with adults as a means of self-assertion of personality. Other results of this investigation show that victims of harassment mainly talk with friends and family, beeing girls the most informed this situation.
University of Seville
I Am Not Scared Project
Copyright 2025 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
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