"I Am Not Scared" Project
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El impacto emocional de las víctimas de intimidación y acoso cibernético tradicionales. Un estudio sobre adolescentes españoles.
R. Ortega, P. Elipe, J. A. Mora-Merchán, J. Calmaestra y E. Vega.
Journal of Psychology , 217(4), 197-204, (2009).
bullying, cyberbullying, emociones, victimización, adolescentes.
1 - 20 pages
This research attempted to examine the emotional impact caused to the victims of bullying in its traditional form, both directly and indirectly, and the new form of intimidation caused by the use of new technologies such as mobile phones and the Internet.To measure it using a They applied a questionnaire that examined various forms of harassment, as well as the emotions caused them. The results showed traditional bullying affected significantly more young people than cyberbullying. The analysis revealed that emotions caused traditional harassment had produced a wide variety of impacts, divided into five emotional categories. While cyber bullying and indirect bullying were classified into two categories: those who said they had felt emotionally affected and those who at the same time suffered from a variety of negative emotions.The influence of age, gender, and severity of each emotional category is also analyzed.
This research is especially outstanding because of the analysis of the emotions bullying and cyberbullying provoked in the victims of harrasment. The results show that those victims of bullying manifested a wider range of negative emotions than those who suffered bullying cyberbuyllying or indirectly. The authors found that students of 1 and 3 school suffered especially bullying, and as cyberbullying, also students in grades 3 were the most affected. Most cyberbullying victims were girls, unlike the case of bullying. This study has limitations because it is a local sample that may contain cultural biases which not be present in international studies.
University of Seville
I Am Not Scared Project
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