"I Am Not Scared" Project
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Proceduri de intervenție și gestionare a situațiilor de violență în mediul școlar
Veronica Bogorin, Ruxandra Vasilescu, Alb Lucia, Maria Baumgarten, Gabriela Căian, Raluca Crișan, Laura Ionescu, Eleonora Marcov, Cornelia Mureșan, Ioana Pascaru, Popa Diana, Ioana Pop, Miahela Rusu, Lorena Sava,
Violence in schools, preventive measures
Parents, Teachers, School Directors.
21 - 100 pages
This material is made by the County Center for Resources and Educational Assistance Cluj. Throughout this material we find general aspects of violence in schools, the classification of forms of violence by the degree of severity, intervention procedures in case of school violence and ways to intervene in cases of violence.
Unlike other such materials, this one comes with some practical measures and the necessary tools to implement these measures. Moreover, these measures are divided into categories depending on the role that each person brings in the child’s education.
EuroEd Foundation
I Am Not Scared Project
Copyright 2024 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
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