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BGAG-Report 1/2009: Maßnahmen zur Prävention von Gewalt an Schulen: Bestandsaufnahme von Programmen im deutschsprachigen Raum
Matthias Kliegel, Melanie Zeintl, Dirk Windemuth
Deutsche Gesetzliche Unfallversicherung e.V. 2009
Policy Makers, Teachers, Researchers, School Directors.
Over 100 pages
The BGAG report "Maßnahmen zur Prävention von Gewalt an Schulen: Bestandsaufnahme von Programmen im deutschsprachigen Raum" was created to give schools and interested people a systematic overview of programs offered to prevent violence in schools in German-speaking countries (Germany, Austria, German-Switzerland).
In general, prevention measures can be subdivided into primary prevention, secondary prevention and tertiary prevention measures. Primary prevention means the prevention of the occurrence of aggressive behavior. Primary prevention is therefore directed to all people at risk (e.g. students). Such measures seek to promote positive behavior and thereby prevent negative behavioral tendencies.
Secondary preventive measures are taken if people already show striking behavior in any form. Such measures are therefore addressed to groups which are already struck by violent behavior or where there are certain risk factors.
The tertiary prevention is ultimately appropriate when people are already showing a solidified problem behavior. This report mainly focuses on primary and secondary prevention concepts since the tertiary prevention relates more to individuals rather than to the school context. The search for violence prevention programs was carried out by the literature databases PSYNDEX (German psychological literature) and WISO sciences (literature from the Social Sciences) and on a general Internet search. The report mainly presents those programs that have a defined structure, are currently being offered and focus on preventing violence among students. Programs on moral courage are also mentioned. Projects that have no particular organizational structure (such as campaigns against violence), or deal only with specific types of violence such as sexual violence or racism are not presented.
A total of 71 programs are described in this report. The present study is structured as follows: In addition to a brief description, each program's content and methodology as well as the target group and the particular providers with contact information are being presented. Furthermore, potentially available evaluation results on each program are presented. First, the selected programs are presented in alphabetical order. This is followed by a systematization of the programs in organizational structure and program content. Finally, a regional classification of the programs by country and provinces or cantons is made.
We chose the BGAG report, because it gives a systematic and detailed overview of programs offered to prevent violence in schools in German-speaking countries (Germany, Austria, German-Switzerland). The report is very well-structured, beginning with a presentation of existing school violence prevention programs in alphabetical order. This is followed by a systematization of the programs in organizational structure and program content. Finally, there is a regional classification of the programs. Each study is presented by giving a short description of content and methodology and stating the particular target groups and providers with contact information. So, in summary, it is very easy to get along with this report because of its systematic structure.
I Am Not Scared Project
Copyright 2024 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
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