"I Am Not Scared" Project
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Cyber-Mobbing in Schulen. Online-Befragung 2007 für GEW Hauptvorstand /Max-Traeger-Stiftung
Dr. Michael Gedatus
UMG Institut, 2007
Parents, Policy Makers, Teachers, Researchers, School Directors.
21 - 100 pages
The online survey "Cyber-bullying in schools” was initiated in October / November 2007 by the GEW (Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft), because at that time the topic of violence against teachers in form of Internet-bullying, as well as evaluations of teachers’ competences through the Internet got a lot of public attention.
This study aims to clarify the question of which and how many teachers as well as students have already been victims of cyber-bullying. The study also focused on which physical, psychological and social consequences bullying has on the victims, who the perpetrators are and what the GEW can do for those affected. So the study should provide an overview of the experiences that were already made with the phenomenon of cyber-bullying at school. They made online interviews of a random sample that is representative for GEW-members at schools.
For that, 4000 people have been asked to participate via e-mail, the technical accessibility was ultimately 3981 people. The survey consisted of 37 different questions. This set included some open questions and four filter questions. The chart-report presents all results in visualized form, enabling a practical insight into the findings obtained. The report is divided into several parts. In this way different perspectives are being presented. The spectrum of perspectives ranges from the directly affected people by cyber-bullying up to the entirety of the participants. Part A of the report focuses on the directly affected people, part B focuses on those who know of affected people in their circle of friends or colleagues. Part C deals with the persons without direct involvement or knowledge of affected people in their environment. The last part deals with the entirety of participants.
We chose the online survey "Cyber-bullying in schools”, because it offers information on the current state of people actually affected by cyber-bullying and not only focuses on students but also on teachers. Who are the perpetrators? Which consequences result for victims of cyber-bullying? and What can the GEW do to help those who are affected? – Those are the main questions focused in this study. So the study clarifies in how far the phenomenon of cyber-bullying has already spread in schools and it offers a good foundation to get an overview on this topic.
I Am Not Scared Project
Copyright 2024 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
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