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Cyber-Mobbing - Informationen, Tipps und Hinweise zum Umgang mit Mobbing via Internet, E-Mail und Mobiltelefon
Marianne Demmer
Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft, 2008
Cyberbullying, Internet safety
Parents, Teachers, Young People, School Directors.
1 - 20 pages
The report, " Cyber-Mobbing: Informationen, Tipps und Hinweise zum Umgang mit Mobbing via Internet, E-Mail, und Mobiltelefon " written by the GEW (Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft) summarizes the results of a survey on GEW members, whose aim was to find out who is affected of cyber bullying in schools and about the consequences cyberbullying can have both for perpetrators and victims. The reason for this survey was the fact that the topics violence against teachers in terms of cyberbullying and the assessment of teachers via the Internet ("Spickmich") got a lot of public attention. But it is important to emphasize in this context that cyberbullying is not equal to “Spickmich” – although both are being procured via Internet they must be kept apart with regard to contents. The results of this survey show, however, that teachers are affected to a lesser extent than it was suggested by the media. But it also shows that there is great uncertainty among teachers about how to adequately and professionally respond to incidents in connection with cyberbullying, about what possibilities really exist to protect victims and about the things that can be done to prevent any further incidents. This report begins with a presentation of the phenomenon of cyberbullying in general and explains what it exactly means. Then it deals with the question who is actually affected by cyberbullying and who the perpetrators are. Then it comes to the consequences for victims and perpetrators and after these descriptions follows the tips and advice that the GEW would like to give to teachers and principals. Here the focus is mainly on general measures to improve the school climate and on creating a code of conduct, teachers and students should ideally work on together. Finally the report summarizes the demands the GEW makes on politics and society to counteract the phenomenon of cyberbullying and above all it is described in how far the GEW itself can make a contribution to cyberbullying.
We chose the report because it summarizes the essential results of an important survey in the field of cyberbullying in a compact and well-arranged way. The survey was conducted to find out about who really is affected by cyberbullying at schools an about which consequences cyberbullying might have both on victims and perpetrators. In addition to this presentation of the most important results there is also advice given so that teachers and principals see what possibilities there are to adequately react to incidents related with cyberbullying, because the survey showed that especially this area lacks of important and essential competences. So this report is really good to get an overview about the latest numbers and also to get to know what kind of advices the GEW proposes and what actions they consider to be appropriate to counteract cyberbullying.
I Am Not Scared Project
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