"I Am Not Scared" Project
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Gewalt im Web 2.0: Der Umgang Jugendlicher mit gewalthaltigen Inhalten und Cyber-Mobbing sowie die rechtliche Einordnung der Problematik
Petra Grimm, Stefanie Rhein, Elisabeth Clausen-Muradian, Elisabeth Koch
Berlin: Vistas-Verlag 2008
Cyberbullying, Internet safety
Policy Makers, Teachers, School Directors.
Over 100 pages
The study „Gewalt im Web 2.0: Der Umgang Jugendlicher mit gewalthaltigen Inhalten und Cyber-Mobbing sowie die rechtliche Einordnung der Problematik“ by Petra Grimm, Stefanie Rhein, Elisabeth Clausen-Muradian and Elisabeth Koch deals with young people’s handling with violent contents and Cyber-Bullying. Contracting authorities of the study are the Bavarian Regulatory Authority for Commercial Broadcasting (BLM), the Media Institute of Hamburg / Schleswig-Holstein (MA HSH), the Lower Saxony State Media Authority (NLM), the National Centre for Media and Communication (LMK) Rheinland-Pfalz, the Media Authority of Saxony- Anhalt (MSA) and the Thuringian State Media Authority (TLM). The project was launched in March 2008 and ended in June 2009. The main goal of the study is to use the results to further enhance efforts in media literacy of parents and educators. This is the first worldwide study on violence in the Web 2.0. Over 800 young people between age 12 and 19 were interviewed. An important outcome of the investigation is that a quarter of all Internet-using 12 - to 19-year-olds have already seen violence on the Internet and almost half of them have friends or classmates who know about Internet pages that glorify violence. Because realistic depictions of violence have great influence on children and young people, the relatively high proportion of respondents who saw "spanking videos" (51%), photos / videos with war, torture and / or executions (42%) as well as depictions of real extreme / brutal violence (41%,) has to be classified as problematic. Therefore, the correct and responsible use of the Internet as a medium is considered of utmost importance as an educational task, because the survey also showed that especially parents and teachers could accomplish more in this area. It has been found, for example, that a third of the 12 - to 19-year-olds is always using the Internet alone and more than two thirds are not controlled in their constancy of Internet usage. 80% of the parents are not or only rarely interested in the content of the Internet pages their children are visiting. These and other results will be presented in the study and they underline the necessity of intensified work in upbringing and education.
We chose this study by Petra Grimm because it offers lots of information on young people’s handling of violence containing media. The study is the first one worldwide that deals with the issue of violence in Web 2.0. Moreover, it was a very large-scaled study with over 800 young people being involved. The survey states to what extent children are influenced by violence containing media and to what extent parents and educators know about their children’s activities in Web 2.0. The study adverts to the fact that children and young people are not supervised when using the Internet and that the main goal should be to improve work in education in this area and to give parents and teachers advice on how to handle situations where children get in contact with violence glorifying contents.
I Am Not Scared Project
Copyright 2024 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
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