"I Am Not Scared" Project
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Lügen, Lästern, Leiden lassen: aggressives Verhalten von Kindern und Jugendlichen
Angela Ittel , Maria Von Salisch
Stuttgart 2005: Kohlhammer
Bullying, Prevention, Intervention
Teachers, Researchers, School Directors.
Over 100 pages
This book contains 17 social-psychological contributions from Germany and North America that deal with the issue of aggressive behavior of children and young people and bullying in particular. The focus is on the hidden forms that can affect peers as effective as open verbal or physical attacks. The majority of contributions to indirect and relational aggressive behaviors is provided with graphics of empirical data and text notes.
This book also shows that not only individual personality traits can be seen as a cause of bullying among students, but also existing relationships in a group, the behavior of interaction partners and the family context play a crucial role.
The authors provide a good representation of various risk factors that could lead to bullying in schools and a summary of social-cognitive approaches. Other articles deal with gender-specific aspects of aggressive behavior.
Furthermore, the authors provide an overview of intervention programs and their effectiveness or potential effectiveness. Also, behavioral interventions are discussed.
We have chosen this book because it deals particularly with hidden forms of bullying which are often ignored due to a lack of awareness and sensitization of the teaching staff. This gives a good overview of the social and manipulative behavior of children and adolescents.
In addition, this book establishes a connection between scientific research results and practical experience that are relevant for prevention and intervention and therapeutic approach.
This book is ideal for teaching students of all types of schools, educators, psychologists, therapeutic staff, social educational institutions, and violence prevention consultant in schools.
I Am Not Scared Project
Copyright 2024 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
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