"I Am Not Scared" Project
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Schulische Mobbing-Fälle. Analysen und Strategien
Rüdiger Gollnick
Münster 2005: Heidemann
Bullying, Case studies
Parents, Teachers, Researchers, School Directors.
Over 100 pages
This book provides a good introduction to the theory and practice of the phenomenon of bullying in schools. The author provides case studies from different school types and grades, which were collected by interviews. These cases and their specific developmental progresses are analyzed in detail and interpretation suggestions are offered. In addition to positive acting and less successful bullying strategies are described. For practical implementations, the authors provide typical characteristics and risk factors.
In addition, there are specific implications on prevention and intervention.
This book provides the reader with concrete and practical cases of school bullying and offers solutions. In addition to a practical illustration, this book offers a good insight into different theoretical approaches. This book is especially recommended for parents, teachers and student teachers.
I Am Not Scared Project
Copyright 2024 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
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