"I Am Not Scared" Project
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School Bullying and Violence
Best Practices, on-line courses, virtual Anti-Violence campus,
Web Site
Parents, Policy Makers, Teachers, Researchers, Young People.
Not relevant
Visionary is a European collaborative project on school bullying and violence, for teachers, parents, professionals and pupils. The site aims at helping anyone who is searching for background information on school bullying and violence and is full of useful information on best practices and anti-bullying resources. It also seeks to support the exchange of ideas and experiences at an international level and offers the opportunity to visit a virtual Anti-Violence campus in the virtual 3D environment of Second Life.
The site offers:
1) Background articles on violence in school in European
Countries and violence prevention in school
2) A virtual Anti-Violence campus
3) Online courses for teachers, parents and policy makers
4) Best Practise suggestions
5) E-Book - the role of the media, local authorities and the
6) Link Collections - links to collections of web sites on school
bullying and violence
7) News - on school bullying
8) Information about EU-funded projects on school bullying
This is a very comprehensive web site, which will be useful to anyone interested in school bullying and violence. There is a wide range of resources to chosse from:
1) Backgound Articles - in this section there are several articles and links to articles on school bullying in different European countries. The articles we liked best focussed on definitions, prevalence and cources of violence in five European contries - Denmark, Finland, Germany, Portugal and the UK. All articles are available in the form of a short overview or full text
2) Virtual Anti-Violence campus - this is the only example of a virtual campus we have seen and we did find it rather daunting - however this may be because of the age of the reviewer and for younger researchers this may be an exciting resource. The campus not only contains on-line anti-bullying events for participation, there are also other interesting links e.g. there is a link to the underwater art gallery in the Virtual Arts Centre
3) Link collections / Best practice - in this section there is a comprehensive collection of links to web sites on school bullying and violence including Best Practice and evidence based programmes, classroom based programmes etc unfortunately not all of the links are still current
4) News on school bullying from all over the world e.g. an article on cyber bullying from the Sydney Morning Herald in Australia - unfortunately again not all of the links still work
5) E-book - acting against school bullying and violence - this is an interesting e-book (also reviewed separately), which is based on five online conferences that brought together experts, professionals and others interested in the topic of school bullying and violence from throughout the world. Translations of the book are available in German, French, Spanish and Romanian
6)Information about EU funded projects - as suggested, this section provides useful links - we particularly liked the 'Comparative analysis of methods successfully applied in the fight against bullying' - reviewed separately.
Overall we feel this site is a valuable resource to support anti-bullying activities.
Wilsthorpe Community School
I Am Not Scared Project
Copyright 2024 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
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