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What a violence? Why? And why does the school face it with difficulty?
Philippe SCHMETZ – 9th November 2007
Website of the APED (Call for a democratic school). Belgian movement of reflection and action around education. Quaterly magazine « Democratic school » - Dossier « Violence at school »
Violence, chatting, incivilities, bout of fever
Web Article
Parents, Policy Makers, Teachers, Researchers, Young People, School Directors.
1 - 20 pages
The author discourses on the following themes: Is the number of violent act committed by the youths really increasing? Or is the seriousness of these acts becoming more and more worrying? Maybe it is rather the continuous chatting, the lack of interest for school and the everyday “incivilities” that cripple the atmosphere of our schools much more that bouts of fever, indeed acute but quite seldom.
The author reminds us some essential truths at a time when nobody wants to exploit violence to justify far right policies…. And when some pretend to arrange everything by a strictly psychologist treatment.
I Am Not Scared Project
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