"I Am Not Scared" Project
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Manual of Best Practices for Combating and Preventing Bullying at Educational Centres
Evaluated Best Practices,
Web Article
Policy Makers, Teachers, School Directors.
Over 100 pages
This is a comparative analysis of Best Practices for combating bullying and was produced as part of a project run in the Leonardo da Vinci Program between 2006 and 2008 called 'Comparative analysis on methods successfully applied in the fight against bullying: training for trainers'. The manual contains details of innovative experiences across Europe relating to bullying and training for practitioners to deal with the problem.
The manual begins with an executive summary and after giving details of the project partners gives a clear definition of bullying and causes of bullying. It then expands on bullying and preventative programmes across Europe in the Czech Republic, Germany, Spain and Poland before selecting 33 preventative intervention practices to deal with the problem.
We sourced this document when researching the Visionary - School Bullying and Violence web site (see separate review) and we felt it was worth a separate review.
At first glance we thought this would be a really valuable resource for combating bullying and in terms of identifying different preventative and intervention practices we were not disappointed. Each identified practice is evaluated for sustainability weaknesses and strengths which is very useful. However we were disappointed in that some of the examples are rather brief e.g. Practice number 16 'Minimalization of Bullying' and really don't say enough for a teacher to decide to try out the idea, although to be fair, not all of the examples are as brief as this one and one we particularly liked was practice number 28 'Scary Guy' (Page 104 of the manual) promoted by the George Pindar School in Scarborough.
We also liked the section on 'Why focus on Bully/Victim problems which has a useful diagram of 'The Bullying Circle' (page 21 of the report) portraying student reactions/roles in acute bullying situations.
In conclusion we found the manual 'useful in places' but perhaps a little disappointing overall.
Wilsthorpe Community School
I Am Not Scared Project
Copyright 2024 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
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