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Bullying and violence in schools: a new reality?
Zavraka M.
Institute of psycho-kinetical development Ψυχοκοινωνικής Ανάπτυξης
school bullying, violence
Newspaper / Magazine article
1 - 20 pages
This article is published in a psychiatric thematic magazine which analyses the phenomenon of school bullying. The article mentions that psychokinetical development is very important for children and that school performance and psychological health of students are correlative between them. The article continues with a definition of school bullying phenomenon and underlines that differs from playing, where children may hurt one each other. What distinguishes them is the fact that in school bullying someone suffers. It continues with the possible forms that school bullying can take, mentioning at the same time specific examples and real facts. Moreover, the article refers to the extent of the school bullying phenomenon in USA and Greece, mentioning some research results. More specifically, 3 (three) out of 10 (ten) students of primary school become victims of school violence and 1 (one) out of 10 (ten) adolescents in Athens. It continues with possible causes of the school bullying phenomenon that may be related to aggressive instincts, according to the psycho-analytical point of view, either to adults’ behaviour imitation. Furthermore, it supports that in every school bullying incident, there are three roles that contribute in it, such as the victim, the bully and the observer and analyses the profile of all the three roles, separately. Bullies seem aggressive, happy when maltreat others and need to have the control and the power in everything. From the other side, victims seem to dislike violence, be sensitive and tolerant. The role of observers seems to be very important as well, as their attitude (encouragement, apathy or disapproval) is essential in school bullying continuation. Observers, are in fear of being the next victims. The article closes by stating that the family and school environment can contribute to the resolution of the problem.
This article is published in a psychiatric thematic magazine which analyses the phenomenon of school bullying. The article mentions that psychokinetical development is very important for children and that school performance and psychological health of students are correlative between them. The article continues with a definition of school bullying phenomenon and underlines that differs from playing, where children may hurt one each other. What distinguishes them is the fact that in school bullying someone suffers. It continues with the possible forms that school bullying can take, mentioning at the same time specific examples and real facts. Moreover, the article refers to the extent of the school bullying phenomenon in USA and Greece, mentioning some research results. More specifically, 3 (three) out of 10 (ten) students of primary school become victims of school violence and 1 (one) out of 10 (ten) adolescents in Athens. It continues with possible causes of the school bullying phenomenon that may be related to aggressive instincts, according to the psycho-analytical point of view, either to adults’ behaviour imitation. Furthermore, it supports that in every school bullying incident, there are three roles that contribute in it, such as the victim, the bully and the observer and analyses the profile of all the three roles, separately. Bullies seem aggressive, happy when maltreat others and need to have the control and the power in everything. From the other side, victims seem to dislike violence, be sensitive and tolerant. The role of observers seems to be very important as well, as their attitude (encouragement, apathy or disapproval) is essential in school bullying continuation. Observers, are in fear of being the next victims. The article closes by stating that the family and school environment can contribute to the resolution of the problem.
I Am Not Scared Project
Copyright 2025 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
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