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The Essex Cybersurvey
Youthworks Consulting Ltd - Adrienne Katz & Catherine Dillon
Anti-bullying Alliance
Cyberbullying statistics, Cyberbullying survey available to be used (with appropriate permission),
21 - 100 pages
The Cybersurvey is a tool being used in different UK Local Authorities to gather information from young people on cyber abuse and e-safety education. The aim of the survey is to use a standard tool and develop a baseline. Five Local Authorities have used the survey and 4800 young people responded in 2010 of which 1452 came from Essex. It is the results from the Essex young people's sample which are discussed in this report.
The statistical results of the survey are analysed in great detail and many useful graphs and charts are provided, particularly for on-line, mobile phone and indirect cyberbullying experiences.
The survey also investigated e-safety and whether young people follow what they have been taught when they go on line. It may be instructive for educators to consider the answers by age:
e-safety advice is mostly ignored by 14 year olds – only 30% of them say they always follow the guidelines, this is down from 54% of the ten year olds. Those young people who say they do ‘not really’ follow the guidelines increase from 7% at ages 10 - 11, to 16% at ages 14-15 and then to 23% by 16+ and many young people actively set out to try to get around blocks set up by adults to stop access to some web sites.
This is a very useful report for anyone interested in cyberbullying and in particular statistical information about the extent of the problem. e.g. in a poll done in 2009 54% of parents of 8-14 year olds had not talked to their child about how they could protect themselves or deal with Cyberbullying and 45% of these parents did not know about the ‘report abuse’ button on social networking sites. Despite this, 23% allowed their children aged 10 or under, unsupervised Internet access at home and 38% allowed children aged 10 or under to have their own mobile phone.
The report is packed with interesting information about cyberbullying e.g. types of cyberbullying, experiences of cyberbullying online, by mobile phone, indirect experiences (e.g. being excluded from a chat, receiving a message that shows others are talking about you nastily) etc.
There is a useful Executive summary and the 'Key Messages' are made clear.
We also liked the list of charts, tables, and references and most importantly of all, the questionnaire used is printed in full.
Wilsthorpe Community School
I Am Not Scared Project
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