"I Am Not Scared" Project
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Bullying - Don't Suffer in Silence - an anti-bullying pack for schools
Professor Peter Smith (Goldmith's College, University of London)
University of London
Anti-bullying pack,
Policy Makers, Teachers, School Directors.
21 - 100 pages
This pack is based on research, relevant experience and current legislation. The pack begins with a section on a whole school policy, including guidance on establishing a policy in four stages:
1) Raising awareness & consultation
2) Implementation
3) Monitoring
4) Evaluation
Part 2 is about pupil's experiences, based on a survey of 5 primary schools and 14 secondary schools, taking evidence from over 2000 pupils.
Part 3 provides information about survey methods
Part 4 provides information on strategies to combat bullying
Part 5 provides information on working with parents
Part 6 provides information on what is needed beyond the classroom e.g. in the playground
Part 7 Summarises 3 case studies
Part 8 Suggests sources of further information and helpful organisations
Part 9 provides advice for pupils, parents and families, including suggesting resources and organisations to help parents and families
Although this research didn't provide quite what we expected it does nevertheless have some useful information. The section on establishing a policy is helpful although most if not all schools in the UK will already have a policy in place.
Part 2 includes some interesting statistical information about the incidence of bullying and bullying trends across different age groups.
We particularly liked Part 4, which provides information on:
1) Curricular approaches to bullying
2) Choosing strategies for reducing bullying
3) Working with victims
4) When tougher measures are needed - mainly concentrating in the
range of sanctions available
Part 5 covers working with parents and gives helpful guidance for teachers and how to respond.
We were disappointed with Part 7 because we feel that the three case studies are of only very limited value.
Parts 8 & 9 however were better and contian useful references for teachers, school directors, parents and families.
Overall we feel that this is a worthwhile resource.
Wilsthorpe Community School
I Am Not Scared Project
Copyright 2024 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
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