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Bullying at School and online
Bullying Resources and guidance,
Web Site
Parents, Teachers, Researchers, School Directors.
Not relevant
This is a web site about bullying at school and on line, which is available in both English and Spanish. The site has a great many resources of different types - articles, videos, and even a bullying 'webinar' etc.
The site's resources are clearly divided into specific sections:
1) Spread the Word
2) Lets End Bullying
3) How to spot Victims and Bullies
4) Parents and School Working together
5) School Based interventions
6) Bullying and Early Childhood
7) What Happens to Victims and Bullies
8) Quick Guide to reducing bullying e.g. warning signs; How to
help your child; preventing bullying at your school;
9) Why is Bullying Difficult to Change
10) Racial Discrimination and Sexuality
11) Cyberbullying research
This is a useful site with easy access to the site's resources available directly from the opening page.
We have tested many of the links, which are usually written by named 'anti-bullying experts' and found them all useful. We particularly liked:
1) Spread the Word - the 'Bullying at school and on-line ebook' (avilable to downmload free) which contains, with lots of other information, the 'ten actions parents can take to help eliminate bullying' and five actions parents can take if their child has been involved in bullying'.
2) Lets End Bullying - 'Bullying - an Age Old Problem that needs
new solutions'.
3) How to spot Victims and Bullies - ' Five Strategies to prevent
your sensitive son from being bullied'
5) School Based Interventions - 'Tribes: A way to improve school
climate and reduce bullying' - (Tribes is 'a way of learning and
being together” It is a process that uses a learning-community,
whole-school model to create a positive school climate through
improved teaching and classroom management, positive
interpersonal relations, and opportunities for student
But, all of the links to articles have merit and are useful. Unfortunately we were not able to test the videos as the link did not work.
Wilsthorpe Community School
I Am Not Scared Project
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