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Violența naște violență
Ana Muntean
România literară
Violence, violence in schools
Web Article
Parents, Policy Makers, Teachers, Researchers, Young People, School Directors.
Not relevant
In this article, Ana Muntean examines the broader aspects of violence in schools, more specifically the self-perpetuating effect of violence. The article begins with a bold indictment of Romanian society; that the level of violence in schools in Romania is catastrophically high, and far from being confined to a couple of isolated incidents, is rife in Romanian schools nationwide. Violence in schools is merely a reflection of the day to day violence that is present at every level of the Romanian society. Romania is not unique in its violent elements, but according to Muntean, Romania's problem is worse because of two important national characteristics: violent behaviour is common and therefore trivialised, and Romanian people fail to acknowledge the danger violent behaviour poses. The great failure of the Romanian educational system is the disconnection between home life and school life, a disconnection that appears, according to Muntean, as early as kindergarten and is merely accentuated with age. Experiences of violence are not of course specific to the school yard, streets, parks, cinemas, play grounds and means of public transport often exhibit scenes of violence in full view of the general public, with young people viewing these events with indifference. The authors’ conclusion is that there is a strong correlation between bullying in schools and the day to day violence of ordinary life. Whether we are aware of it or not, violence invariably brings more violence.
We have chosen this article as important amongst other national publications due to the act that it presents violence and violence in schools from a more general perspective whilst at the same time showing great consideration for the personal implications of isolated incidents. Muntean supports her claims with real-life examples that she witnessed in the central square of Timișoara, such as a group of dog catchers trying to capture an evasive stray dog, to the amusement of a group of nearby teenagers. And her claims of the trivialisation of violence are all the stronger for it. Muntean's correspondence with the Mayor is a telling indication of governmental perspectives on the issue. Though the article is fairly brief, it provides concise points and provides a strong case for the assertion that domestic violence and the common acts of violence on the streets are intimately related to the violence found in school up and down the country.
EuroEd Foundation
I Am Not Scared Project
Copyright 2024 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
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